Summer Sizzler Series 2025

18 Feb – 8 Apr 2025 NZST

Various locations - TBC week prior to the event date, Bohally Intermediate School Mclauchlan Street, Springlands, Blenheim, New Zealand Map

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The Summer Sizzler series consists of eight events on Tuesday evenings to get you back up to scorching speed with your navigation if you've done some orienteering/navigation or it can be used to learn some fundamental skills for novices. Walk, jog or run. Whatever you choose is cool. Lots of fun and a relaxed vibe in keeping with the season! 

Preliminary programme below. Venues may change but the dates won't. Any updates will be posted on Facebook, make sure you have liked our page.

Tuesday 18 February to Tuesday 8 April.

18/02/25 Event 1 - Bohally Intermediate School/MGC
25/02/25 Event 2 - Springlands School
4/03/25 Event 3 - Renwick School
11/03/25 Event 4 - Marlborough Boys College/St Mary's School
18/03/25 Event 5 - Witherlea School/Harling Park
25/03/25 Event 6 - Pollard Park 
1/04/25 Event 7 - Taylor River
8/04/25 Event 8 - Wither Hills Farm Park

- Course 1: Intro/Short 
- Course 2: Long (Mystery, Rogaine, Map memory)

Registration starts for each event at 5pm with first starts at 5:30 and last start at 6:15pm. Course closure at 7:00pm.

Entry Fees:
 MEMBER - per person
 Senior - $10. Series - $50
 Junior and school students - $5. Series - $25

NON-MEMBER - per person
 Senior - $15. Series - $75
 Junior and school students - $10. Series $50

SportIdent dibbers are free and will be issued at registration at the event. Please remember to hand this back in when you finish and download. You will be issued another one if you do a 2nd course and also at the next event. If you have your own, please enter the number in the entry details.

Pre-entry and payment online via Lil Regie. NO ON THE DAY OR LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED.

Online entry will close 9pm Saturday prior to the event date so that we know how many maps to print. 

The entry will re-open for the next event on the Wednesday after each event. If you enter the Entire Series prior to event 1 then this doesn't apply to you.

If you are going out with someone else i.e. a team, please enter their name(s) in the Details field. We'd prefer one entry and payment per team. It's up to you to get the money from your teammate(s).

Also, these events are all in public places, please be aware and considerate of driveway entrance/exits, members of the pubic using footpaths and public spaces.

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Contact information

Booking details

What’s this booking for?

18 Feb 5:00pm – 8 Apr 7:00pm 2025 NZST


Series of short fun navigation events.

Prices are in NZD.

Who’s this ticket for?

SportIdent Dibber number

Enter SI number if you have one


Event Entered

Emergency Contact

Name and Contact number of someone in the event of an emergency

Medical Information

Please provide any medical details we should be aware of i​.e. allergies, location of medicine etc in case of an event or emergency


I acknowledge on behalf of my team that the Event Organisers, MOC, Orienteering NZ, and the owners of the land used for this event accept no liability for any loss, damage or injury to ourselves (including vehicles at the event venue) resulting from our participation in this event. We understand that this event is organised and staffed by volunteers. We enter this event at our own risk and acknowledge that there may be risks associated with the sport, and that we are also responsible for our own safety. We will comply with safety requirements set out in the event documents. The event Health & Safety, Hazards, HARM and other safety documents and forms will be available at the event, every team member should read these. By taking part in this event, you agree that and grant permission for the event organisers to use any images or video taken at the event for promotion purposes. This includes social media, any future promotion of the sport including websites and fundraising

Contact the event organiser